We are glad to share the response we received to our open letter with regards to the newly published University sustainability strategy year 1 document.
The response was received on 14th of December from Tracy Wray, the Director of HR and Communications and member of the Sustainability Steering Group at the University of Sheffield.
"Dear Christian (and members)
On behalf of Duncan, Mel and I, firstly thank you for your email and your comments.
We have now reviewed this and would respond as follows:
We note your support for the new Strategy and welcome this.
In relation to Leadership and Governance, we would like to assure you that as described on the Sustainability web pages we have in place an established Steering Group, and a Delivery Group with direct reporting to the University's Executive Board. We have also in Corporate Communications refocused James Merryclough's role to focus primarily on Sustainability. The Green Impact Coordinator is now co-located with James one day a week and working closely on all aspects of Sustainability. In addition, we have secured strategic funds to support a graduate intern for 9 months to support the next stage of development of the Strategy. Ongoing leadership is with myself in my remit as Director of Corporate Communications.
In relation to targets this is absolutely our intention and the reason for the more intensive consultation so that we can develop the Strategy further in this respect. We will, in the new year, be publishing details of our planned consultation and timeline on our web pages.
In respect of an action plan, we already have one which we will build on further as our Strategy develops. This has a range of actions within it taken from the current Strategy and we have agreed at the Steering Group this week the top 6 we will focus on in this academic year. Again we will publish this on our web pages in the New Year.
Finally we note and appreciate your offer of support. There will be opportunity to contribute to the development of the Strategy and we would be happy to meet you in the New Year to discuss this further.
With thanks and best wishes.
Tracy Wray
on behalf of Duncan Cameron and Mel Kee"
The response was received on 14th of December from Tracy Wray, the Director of HR and Communications and member of the Sustainability Steering Group at the University of Sheffield.
"Dear Christian (and members)
On behalf of Duncan, Mel and I, firstly thank you for your email and your comments.
We have now reviewed this and would respond as follows:
We note your support for the new Strategy and welcome this.
In relation to Leadership and Governance, we would like to assure you that as described on the Sustainability web pages we have in place an established Steering Group, and a Delivery Group with direct reporting to the University's Executive Board. We have also in Corporate Communications refocused James Merryclough's role to focus primarily on Sustainability. The Green Impact Coordinator is now co-located with James one day a week and working closely on all aspects of Sustainability. In addition, we have secured strategic funds to support a graduate intern for 9 months to support the next stage of development of the Strategy. Ongoing leadership is with myself in my remit as Director of Corporate Communications.
In relation to targets this is absolutely our intention and the reason for the more intensive consultation so that we can develop the Strategy further in this respect. We will, in the new year, be publishing details of our planned consultation and timeline on our web pages.
In respect of an action plan, we already have one which we will build on further as our Strategy develops. This has a range of actions within it taken from the current Strategy and we have agreed at the Steering Group this week the top 6 we will focus on in this academic year. Again we will publish this on our web pages in the New Year.
Finally we note and appreciate your offer of support. There will be opportunity to contribute to the development of the Strategy and we would be happy to meet you in the New Year to discuss this further.
With thanks and best wishes.
Tracy Wray
on behalf of Duncan Cameron and Mel Kee"