our Christmas social is coming closer and we need to get the food ordered and organised by Monday.
So if you want to come and join us on
Wednesday, Dec 14th, 5-9pm in Diamond, work room 2
please book your ticket below.
The agenda is not fixed, but the general thought is to come by and...
- say hello
- meet fellow CNU members and get to know each other
- recap the CNU year and what is to come
- eat and drink something (we will provide some food and drinks ;)
- bring some Christmas food, drinks or decoration if you want/can
- watch a movie (bring a movie, vote for one of the selection)
- chat - relax - enjoy
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cnu-festivities-tickets-29741941949
Hope to see you next week!
Your CNU coordinators