Whilst summer is making up its mind, we thought you might be interested in a short update about what is going on at CNU.
Check out the recent additions to our website, Christian has added Climate and University pages where you can find:
- Some of the relevant YouTube videos from on our Event “A Local Solution to the Global Climate Crisis”
- And the proposal for a Climate and Sustainability Strategy for the University of Sheffield developed by CNU co-chair & Grantham Research Fellow Dr Christian Unger.
Hopefully you’ve had a chance to read our recent blogs and videos for the ‘Delivering on 2 degrees event’ held in April, don’t forget to share our YouTube video with your friends and colleagues.
- Delivering on 2 degrees blog including Kevin Anderson YouTube videos: http://carbonneutralshef.weebly.com/news/delivering-on-2-degrees-event-summary
Since the last newsletter in July, we submitted our letter to EFM outlining the lack of sustainability targets in the Social Science Building consultation proposal. So far, we’ve not received a reply, but will update you when we do.
- Thank you to all those who signed the letter, remember there is still time to add your name to the list of signatories: http://carbonneutralshef.weebly.com/news/cnu-letter-to-social-sciences-building-consultation
Here is a brief update on the current projects we are looking into, if you are interested in being involved or can help with any of the below, just contact us or come to our next Open Meeting on 25 August, 5-7pm, in the Diamond Workroom 2.
- We had our first meeting with CiCS to discuss how to put more computers into hibernation mode to save energy. Mike from the Buildings Efficiency subgroup is now investigating, monitoring relevant energy outputs and compiling a report on how proceed.
- The Buildings Efficiency subgroup also has been looking at areas around campus where lights are left on unnecessarily. Our Student Society are hoping to campaign to get these lights switched off.
- Organisation of a Green Buildings Event has begun, led by the newly formed Zero Carbon Yorkshire (ZYC) Sheffield Buildings Group. The event will cover both domestic and non-domestic buildings and will be held 9th November 5-9pm in the Diamond. If you know anyone who would benefit from this event please get this date in their diary! This event promises to be the first of a series of events held throughout Sheffield.
- Our Student Society continues to organise our stall at the Fresher’s Fair in September, so students look out for the flyers and get involved!
- We have a new event on the horizon, Leading from the Future – Pathways to Transformative Change. Designed and led by Adam Howard, this event will address the design of change initiatives in complex systems. More to come on this event.
- It is all for a good cause and to protect the environment of course, but we also want to come together, socialise and have a bit of fun. So our Thursday socials (5pm, The Doctor’s Orders) will continue, and we hope to have a number of film evenings set up over the autumn.
These are just a few of the things that we can do together at our University, and we would like you to join us with your ideas and your energy to help our University of Sheffield to become a sustainable place fit for our future.
Don’t forget to check out our website and Facebook page for news and sign up if you want to receive reminders and information via email.
Your CNU coordinators :)