Sustainability strategy consultations for students
For our non-student member, there is more to come soon. We will send a summary of the sustainability strategy deveopment, as we know it, in the next few days. Stay tuned.
So here are the full details for today's student consultation meeting:
Date: 15 Feb 2017
Time: 5-6.30pm
Location: Octagon Meeting Room 1
There is also a Facebook event:
The University will be writing their sustainability strategy which will mould the university for many years to come. We want to be sure it is as ambitious in its aims as we as students want it to be.
This consultation hosted by the Sustainability Committee is an opportunity for members of the university to come and construct what our vision is for the five themes which the strategy shall be based around:
- Quality Education
- Affordable and Clean Energy
- Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Responsible Consumption and Production
- Climate Action
You can also give your views online here:
Both the results of the online consultation and this event will be presented to the people writing the strategy by Meg, the SU Development Officer.
We at CNU hope to make sure that carbon emissions reductions are an important performance indicator for this strategy, as climate change impacts us now and more so in the future. Let's build a carbon neutral future that brings exiting new opportunities.
Your lovely CNU coordinators