We’ve been investigating the installation of a PV system on the SU building, but having worked with experts and the university on this we found that this would be possible but not cost effective. Wind power on the other hand could prove to be a financially viable option - we’re making some progress with investigating a wind power installation near the AMRC. The cost vs carbon reduction will be an essential factor with such projects, so we are working towards furthering our understanding of this in the University context and hope to arrange a seminar after the Easter break.
Buildings & Energy Efficiency
We’ve been looking primarily at the effective use of space - new buildings have a big carbon footprint so reducing the need for them would really help! There will be efforts to “map the campus” to help with this. Future efforts will involve awareness raising on campus, and hopefully student involvement via SURE projects. We’re especially looking for people to help out with this group so do get in touch.
Behaviour Change
Ideas include supporting other projects around campus, and conducting a survey of peoples’ carbon footprints - how can we know what behaviour to change if we don’t know their behaviour? Our members are likely to be the first people we’ll approach for this, so keep an eye out for that in the near future. This is another group really open to new contributors or ideas.
Meetings and Progress
We’re having some great interactions with university management - it’s really encouraging to get this level of engagement with them. Our Co-Chairs Christian and Rachael attended the university’s Carbon Management Group meeting recently, where we got some positive feedback on Christian’s sustainability strategy proposal, and in April some of the co-ordinators will be meeting with the Vice-Chancellor to discuss our work. We’ve been asked for input on the my sustainable campus site which is currently being developed, we hope to be inspired by other universities’ webspaces so let us know if you see a good one.
Student Society Launch & Achieve More event
Our student society officially launched a few weeks ago at our really well attended presentation at the Festival of 10bn (part of the Achieve More initiative), so we hope to see lots more student involvement in the near future.
Clean Energy for the North Declaration
We joined 80 other organisations from the North in calling for the Chancellor to back renewable energy in the area, using clean energy to fuel the “Northen Powerhouse”. With such a large number of groups signing, and all groups writing to their local MPs, we hope this will put forward a strong voice for renewables. The declaration can be read here, and Green Alliance, who organised the declaration, have written a blog about it.
The future…
Our next open meeting will take place on 28th April, and we hope to organise our next multiple-speaker event, based around carbon budgeting, to take place in April. Our weekly socials will continue - join us at 5pm on Thursdays in University arms.